Tuesday 12 July 2016

Dual Boot Centos 7 and Windows 8.1

Today I set up my machine for dual boot up with CentOs7 and Windows 8.1 Under the hood. However after install  i realised that by default CentOs7 did not provided a dual boot option, leaving windows totally invisible .

I started searching and trying to resolve the issue spent about an hour  to jot down the below learning’s

To make windows boot loader appear follow the below steps.
  • Start Centos  and Launch Terminal ,perform the following command

                                    sudo grub2-mkconfig > /dev/null
         I was sure that the windows partitions are not anyhow visible .

  • I disabled packagekit as it was occupying the yum using this command , this disable it permanently.

                                  system disable packagekitd
  • Once the yum is available for action I performed the following commands

                                   yum install epel-release
                                   yum install ntfs-3g
  • Now rerun grub2 make

                                  sudo grub2-mkconfig > /dev/null  : 

it should show the windows partition.
  • Once the windows partition is available it’s good to save the existing grub.config

                               sudo cp /boot/grub2/grub.cfg  /boot/grub2/grub.cfg.backupoldfile
  • Now a new configuration file can be created and saved 

                               sudo grub2-mkconfig –o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg

Reboot your machine and now dual boot should be available with windows. 

Apache Beam Learning In Java Tutorials

 Wow  https://youtu.be/9kGETU63rkc