Wednesday, 19 April 2017

Selenium Web Driver Singleton Class

Today I applied singleton design pattern for Selenium chrome driver. I wanted to share the same instance of the driver across different steps. The pattern appeared most promising to me, Luckily the pattern Singleton is the one that fill my needs

 Under The hood this time I wrote some C# code to apply the idea.

The variable Instance holds the single instance of the class.

The constructor is declared private.

This provide me the global access and a single instant of the web driver.

Love it as I would always be using one instant of it.

using System;

namespace carsales


   public class Driver


        private static IWebDriver Instance;

        private Driver()



        public static IWebDriver Int()


            if (Instance == null)

                Instance = new ChromeDriver();

            return Instance;


        public static void Navigate(string url)




        public static void Close()






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