Monday 12 August 2019

Hands on Bokeh : Python Toast

Bokeh  library helps in interactive visualization, that targets web browsers for representation.

We are going to cover three vital aspects in plotting a simple visualization

1.  figure: Set labels of the plot using this function 
2.  show: use this to show the plot
3.  output_html: Function to select the output as target example sample.html

In action code:

from bokeh.plotting import show,figure,output_file

#Target file for plotting

#set x axis and y axis lable inside 
p=figure(x_axis_label='City',y_axis_label='Temperature in Celsius')

#draw a circle plot with color red and size 20 of each dot[1,2,3,4,5],[10,7,15,12,2],color='Red',size=20,name='city')

# show the plot


Apache Beam Learning In Java Tutorials
